Reading is a pleasure

The photographs celebrate our strong progress in developing our application of Phonics skills within the development of reading fluency across the school. Reading fluency leads to lifelong learning and is essential for all children’s progress across the curriculum.

Oral blending in Reception

Reception children have worked hard on their oral blending skills. In their daily phonics lessons the children have been introduced to Phase 2 sounds and are beginning to learn the skill of blending. Children also work 1:1 or in small groups with the class teacher to practice blending skills.

Blending to read

Year 1 children  have been participating in two phonic lessons each day. Assessments showed children needed to recap Phase 4 reading skills. Children are reading decodable books 3 times each week to continuously practice blending skills. Children who need support to revisit a sound are identified daily for additional Keep Up support.

Focus on Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence in Year 4

Year 4 children in a ‘catch-up’ reading session. This is their first read of a banded book, which they will read again in group, class and at home. ‘Grow the Code’ charts on display in the group room help with remembering and recalling their focus GPCs.

Winning readers in Year 6

This image shows a child who has been part of our ‘catch-up’ Little Wandle phonics program for Autumn 1, who can now confidently access in-class texts during Whole Class Reading sessions. Whilst they find higher-level vocabulary challenging, they are applying their learnt phonics skills to decode, segment and blend. This is leading to a more confident and happy reader, who is now also contributing more in class. This effect can be seen across UKS2 and groups/1:1 sessions are being carried out daily, alongside integration in class. 


Developing our observational skills


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