Home Learning

We know that children make the best progress when their attendance is high so that they can fully engage with our curriculum.  We work with parents and pupils to support high attendance.
In an exceptional circumstance where individual pupils are unable to attend school but are well enough to access learning, remote education provided will be different to that for a whole school to move to remote learning. In these circumstances, a meeting will be set up and a plan will be put in place.

As a guide, Teachers will use online Oak Academy resources to set work. This work will be linked closely to the skills being taught in the classroom onsite. Work may include ‘catch up’ work to address any gaps individual children may have.

Feedback will be given on lessons/ work submitted on Google Classroom in the form of a comment within 2 days of it being submitted (48 hours). Teachers will be providing this remote learning while also working onsite in their usual classes. They will not be available online through the chat function or for live lessons.

For children with SEND who struggle to access the mainstream curriculum, work from the ‘Specialist’ section of Oak Academy will be assigned that is as closely linked to the in-class learning as possible.